Two Stunning Pink Drinks

Stunning Pink Drinks

Words by Colin Hampden-White

It’s the beginning of April, the sun is in the sky longer for us in the northern hemisphere, and whilst the temperatures aren’t quite pushing the mercury very high I am starting to think of summer and those long lazy days with a glass of something cool to hand. Recently I have discovered two drinks which I think will become firm favourites in the months to come. One very much an alcoholic drink, although the way it can be drunk can bring the abv down considerably, and another which is alcohol free.

Kyrö Pink Gin

Kyro Pink Gin

Firstly I want to introduce you to Kyrö Pink Gin. This gin was born from the team in Finland trying to make a pink gin which would please everyone. Now the saying goes that “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time” but this time I think the poet John Lydgate might have got it wrong. This gin has well balanced flavours of strawberry and creamy vanilla with a tang of raspberry in the background. The juniper is very present but not intrusive and there is a little coriander and pepper on the finish too. This is a rye-based gin giving those peppery notes, and all the red fruits come from infused strawberries, lingonberries and rhubarb, which are all foraged. It makes a wonderful gin and tonic and is complex enough for high balls. All in all a great summer drink.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 38.2%
Price: £25.95

Wild Idol

Wild Idol

My second pink of choice would be Wild Idol. I have tried many low or no alcohol wines, and none of them really work, so I was sceptical about this as I popped the cork, on what is a gorgeous bottle. It looks exactly like a bottle of premium sparkling wine and is priced as such as well. Firstly, as it pours into the glass, it looks like sparkling rosé, with the requisite mousse and fine bubbles and a bright pink which is not too vibrant to look synthetic, and that’s because it isn’t. Made from several grape varieties and made without the need for removing alcohol the process is pure and gives a lively drink with lots of red fruit flavours balanced with a racy acidity, much like a sparkling wine. It is vegan and gluten-free. Thankfully this is where everything changes from a sparkling wine. I realised that the drink in itself is good and satisfying, giving no need for alcohol or the feeling that I’d like alcohol in it. If I wanted alcohol, I would have poured an alcoholic sparkling wine. This a something which looks and feels special, and anyone not drinking alcohol and served this at any event where others were, would feel no less special.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 0%
Price: £35