William Grant & Sons

The Whisky Event, London

The Whisky Event, London whisky in glass the three drinkers

Over the last decade the growth in the number of whisky festivals and events around the world has been incredible. No longer does one have to wait all year for one of the big festivals like the Whisky Show in London or Whisky Live in Paris. There are plenty all over Europe and here in the UK. From Birmingham to Newcastle, new festivals have been popping up all over the place and they are all very good in one way or another, each with their own unique offering. Some have a great venue, for example or others concentrate on independent bottlers and some on education. With all this choice it is difficult to choose.

There is a relatively new festival in London. With Whisky live and The Whisky Show I would have thought really isn’t need for another London whisky show, and this is where I would be wrong. The Whisky event is like no other whisky show I have been to. It is held over one evening in June and is possibly the most fun and entertaining whisky event held in a single session I know. It doesn’t take anything away from the other shows, but certainly adds to the whisky landscape in London.

Whisky festivals by nature are about the whisky. However, there is more to it than that.

The Whisky Event, London brand ambassador with whisky bottle the three drinkers

At the Whisky Event, the numbers are more limited giving more space and time to talk to producers and brand ambassadors. The range of whiskies for a smaller festival are impressive with major brands taking part like Diageo, William Grant and Sons and Whyte and Mackay, but also independent bottlers, both established Scottish companies such as Douglas Laing and newer exciting ones like Fruitful Spirits and Spiritfilled. Unusual distilleries like Wire Works from England and Pōkeno from New Zealand.

One of the biggest differences between all other whisky shows and the whisky event is the food. Whisky and food intrinsically go together. Whisky is a social thing, so is food, and with great whisky it seems obvious that there should be great food to go with it and the company it attracts. At the Whisky event the food is fabulous, with an incredible sushi chef creating fresh sushi, there are roast meats, luxurious charcuterie, salads, seafood and superb desserts, if you’ve left enough room.

The Whisky Event, London the three drinkers

This year the event will be bigger than ever. With twice the number of exhibitors, whiskies and held in a luxurious space at the Grosvenor hotel, I think it’s a show that should be in anyone’s whisky calendar. Whether you are at the beginning of your whisky journey and want time to talk to people or want to expand your knowledge and experience some of the best masterclasses with rare whiskies and the world’s most knowledgeable educators and presenters, this is a great show. I have my ticket and I hope to see you there.

The Whisky Event is in London on the 2nd of June 2024
Find out more here.

Words by Colin Hampden-White

Glenfiddich to Fuel Trucks with Whisky Waste

Glenfiddich to Fuel Trucks with Whisky Waste thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Does driving a car powered by whisky count as drunk driving…? The jury’s still out on that one, but one thing we know for certain is that a whisky waste powered car is on the horizon!

Making whisky can be surprisingly wasteful, with nearly 85% of the leftover grains and barley from the malting stage going to waste. Wastage is a huge problem in the food and drink industry, but major whisky producer Glenfiddich seems to be on the road to combatting their waste.

Though previously sold off as high-protein cattle feed, Glenfiddich is using its spent grains to create fuel for trucks. The grains are put through ‘anaerobic digestion’, a process in which bacteria break down organic matter and produce biogas. This biogas is what can be substituted for the harmful diesel. Using biogas instead of diesel or other fossil fuels cuts CO2 emissions by over 95% and reduces other harmful particulates and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 99% - now that’s cool. Each truck will displace up to 250 TONNES of CO2 annually!

Glenfiddich currently have four trucks running off this biogas, but plan to convert the other sixteen of their trucks to be biogas fuelled in the near future. At the moment, these trucks are only the ones transporting the spirit to be bottled but William Grant & Sons, Glenfiddich’s parent company, are looking to use the same biogas to power trucks that transport the whisky nationally.

Glenfiddich Fuel Trucks with Whisky Waste thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

William Grant & Sons have always proclaimed to be at the forefront of reducing carbon emissions in the whisky industry, and they hope to hit carbon net zero targets by 2040. Judging by the way things are going now, that doesn’t seem to be such a huge hurdle anymore.

Glenfiddich distillery director Stuart Watts (pictured above) told Reuters, “The thought process behind this was, ‘what can we do that’s better for us all?’”. This mindset is certainly one that is catching on around the drinks industry as we see more and more brands either utilising waste or becoming carbon neutral (even sometimes carbon negative!).

In Finland, even goose poop has been used to make beer! Check out this article to see how other companies are making their processes a bit more eco-friendly.