
The Tegroni

tequila negroni cocktail recipe tegroni thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

We love a Negroni here at The Three Drinkers, the boozy bitterness an indulgent treat for a dark evening. This mesmerising red cocktail is one of the world’s most treasured, and its simplicity is marvelled at by home drinkers and bartenders alike.

In the most recent wave of Negroni-mania, we’ve seen a lot of experimentation going on. But why mess with perfection? Oh no, it’s not messing. Those who condemn deviating from the norm seem to have forgotten the history of Negroni. Count Camillo Negroni, obviously tired out after a long day of being a Count, asked a bartender to strengthen his Americano cocktail. Soda water was replaced with gin and the world gave a collective, peaceful nod of approval as the Negroni was born.

“So, where should I start?” we hear you cry. Well, why not go for a super popular, funky variation of the Negroni: the Tegroni. A portmanteau of Tequila and Negroni, the Tegroni is an exotic variation of a Negroni with the gin swapped out for blanco tequila. Tequila balances out the Campari perfectly and brings out some earthy tones.

Here’s our favourite recipe:


25ml blanco tequila
25ml sweet vermouth
25ml Campari
grapefruit twist for garnish


Add ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir for 20-30 seconds until chilled. Strain into a rocks glass. Add large ice cubes and garnish with a twist of grapefruit.

For more variations of a Negroni have a look at The Best Negroni Cocktail Recipes and if you’re wanting to check out other cocktail recipes, there are plenty here!