Sunny D

Sunny D Launch their Vodka Seltzer

sunny d launch their vodka seltzer the three drinkers

Sunny Delight is one of those drinks that’s etched into cultural history. It was created way back in 1963 in the US but arrived on the shores of the UK in 1998 with a huge promotional campaign that meant only a year later, it was the third best-selling drink after Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

However, sales slumped as the sugary reputation put parents off, and there was even a report of a four-year-old girl turning orange in 1999! How true that was is highly questionable, but it was enough to turn parents away.

Were you allowed to sip merrily on the orange tang? Or banned from drinking it because of concerns over it? Either way, Sunny Delight may just be the most nostalgic drink there is.

Now though, the childhood drink takes its steps into adulthood, with the launch of its Vodka Seltzer… and this time, there’s no added sugar, just real fruit juice!. As you might expect, it’s not the booziest of drinks at just 4.5% ABV, but it’s already been praised for its matured and unique taste by American drinkers.

And for now, that appears to be the only place you can pick it up. Priced at $9.99 for 4x 350ml cans, it’s rolling out across Walmart stores.

Who knows? If Sunny D Vodka Seltzer picks up the same momentum as the juice did in the 1990s, then maybe it will arrive on British soil soon!