Best vodkas

The World's Best Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world the three drinkers

Vodka, vodka, vodka. From university student to master mixologist, this clear spirit has been a bar staple for over 100 years*. Vodka spans generations, types of drinkers, and now - the world. While its origins are still firmly rooted in Russia and Eastern Europe, distilleries are popping up all over the shop. Even wine giants such as Italy are getting on the Vodka Express. So, as you step onboard today, allow us to be your tour guides showcasing the best vodkas from across the globe. Stand clear o’ the doors and bottoms up!

*Fun Cocktail Party Fact: The first recorded vodka cocktail recipe is from 1911, originating from the St. Charles Hotel in New Orleans. This cocktail was aptly named ‘the Russian Cocktail’ and was a mix of vodka and rowanberry juice. 

The Best Russian Vodka

Tovaritch! Russian Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Russian Vodka  Tovaritch! Russian Vodka the three drinkers

Wow! Tovaritch! We’re not just really excited about vodka, this Russian brand does actually have an exclamation mark in its name. They’re not just being bolshy either, for the rich history and delicious taste of Tovaritch! is definitely enough to warrant a good exclamation mark. Tovaritch! is still made according to a family recipe hailing all the way back to the 1700s, so it’s had a serious amount of R&D. If it ain’t broke! 

The high quality Russian grain mix is distilled five times and filtered twenty to create a vodka with a subtle floral aroma and a characteristic ‘bread’ flavour. If you’re looking for a traditional vodka that will leave you reaching for your gimlet time and time again, Tovaritch! is the vodka for you!

ABV: 38%
Size: 700ml
Find here: £22.35

The Best Ukrainian Vodka

Dima’s Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Ukrainian Vodka  Dima's Vodka the three drinkers

Much like Russian vodka, Ukrainian vodka is incredibly close to the heart of the country’s culture, meaning distillers never compromise on quality. Made from a blend of barley, wheat, and rye, Dima’s Vodka is velvety smooth with a rich and rounded flavour profile. On the palate, Dima’s has a silky mouthfeel with a hint of that rye bread followed by subtle notes of vanilla, spices and a cereal earthy sweetness. Dima’s recommends a somewhat interesting serve, with the brand adamant that nearly every cocktail made with their vodka include either pickle juice or be garnished with a pickle - the saltiness of the pickle perfectly complementing the sweet smoothness of the vodka. Hear that? Don’t mess with Dima’s pickle...

ABV: 40%
Size: 700ml
Find here: £35

The Best Italian Vodka

VOGA Italia Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Italian Vodka  VOGA Italia Vodka the three drinkers

When you think of Italy, your brain probably doesn’t immediately jump to vodka distilleries - but VOGA Vodka looks to be changing that. The wheat that makes Italian pasta so delicious is the same wheat used to make VOGA Vodka, along with spring water from the Italian Alps. Though a delicate spirit, the Nebbiolo grapes from Piemonte that are used to filter Voga give it a unique flavour profile worthy of its premium label. To fully appreciate this vodka, drink it neat or over ice alongside a generous slice of focaccia. Mmm…

ABV: 40%
Size: 1L
Find here: Available here for some countries from $38.99 but will be coming to more soon!

The Best Finnish Vodka

Koskenkorva Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Finnish Vodka  Koskenkorva Vodka the three drinkers

Though an expertly crafted and well renowned vodka, Koskenkorva is still produced in the tiny Finnish village of Koskenkorva, boasting only 2200 inhabitants. Since the 1930s, the people of Koskenkorva have been lending a hand in the distillery and working to create a superbly smooth and elegant vodka. The purity of the vodka makes for a lip smacking base spirit in cocktails such as a Moscow Mule, or simply a vodka tonic with a garnish of lime.

ABV: 40%
Size: UK 700ml // US 750ml
Find here: UK £23 // US $29.99

The Best Australian Vodka

Baxter Australian Crafted Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Australian Vodka Baxter Vodka the three drinkers

In true Aussie fashion, this vodka is super smooth and easy-going. A unique blend of Australian grain and sugarcane gives Baxter Vodka a naturally sweet edge, though not enough to be sickly. It’s also additive free and gluten free, which is great to hear since that isn’t always the case with vodkas. Baxter Vodka is brilliant in a fruity cocktail such as a passionfruit martini or a raspberry mule, so keep an eye out for it!

ABV: 37.5%
Size: 700ml
Find here: $46 (currently only available in Australia but watch this space!)

The Best Canadian Vodka

PUR Vodka

The Best Vodka in the world The Best Canadian Vodka PUR Vodka the three drinkers

Winning over 80 awards since its launch, it’s clear critics are crazy about this premium vodka. PUR Vodka is made with 100% Canadian ingredients including corn from Ontario and glacial spring water from northern Quebec, and it’s these high quality components that give PUR its sophisticated clarity. Drunk neat, PUR is resoundingly clean on the palate with light mineral notes, but offers a hint of black peppercorn on the finish. The cutting purity of this vodka makes it perfect for a drier than dry vodka martini that’s certain to impress the Bond in your life. From Canada With Love...

ABV: 40%
Size: 700ml
Find here: £47.94

Looking for more vodka filled articles? How about checking out The Best Value Vodkas for Martinis or Our Favourite Vodkas under £30